Cookie Policy

The following is information about how Toyota4runners (“we,” “us,” “our”) and its affiliates use cookies and other similar technology on the website. We use cookies on the website and all the available services. To access our offerings, you must indicate your consent to the cookies policy and other documents. Once you agree to the statement, cookies will be sent to your browser in order to receive some information.

In this policy document, you will get the information about the cookies we collect when a user, merchant, or any other visitor accesses the website, how we use them, and other information. If you are moving ahead with the usage of the website or are simply interested in knowing how we use cookies, you must read this document.

What Are Cookies?

Cookies are small data files sent by the webserver to the browser whenever you visit the website. With the help of such files, information of the user can be collected and stored. The cookies are alphanumeric data stored in the memory of computers, smartphones, and any other Internet-based device. They are “passive” by nature which means that cookies cannot contain software applications and malware. Also, the cookies can’t be used for retrieving the information from the device they are stored from. To sum up, using cookies is safe and can’t harm privacy.

We use the cookies to recognize our users and provide them a superior service experience with customizable offerings. Cookies do a multitude of duties, such as rapidly navigating between pages, remembering user preferences, and improving the overall website experience.

Different Types Of Cookies We Use

There are different types of cookies available. Some of the cookies get saved in the browser, while others get deleted as soon as you close the browser. Some of the cookies that we use are:

1. Strictly Necessary Cookies: Such types of cookies are used for performing the essential functions and the smooth performance of the website. These cookies enable users to navigate through the website and access all the features. Since they are necessary for working on the website, we are not required to ask for consent to place them on your devices. They are automatically placed and accepted on visiting the website (

2. Advertising Cookies: This kind of cookie is designed explicitly to gather information from the device to provide the advertisements of the user’s interest. Advertising partners place such cookies on the website and use them to learn about the preferences of the users. On accepting advertising cookies, browsers won’t save the personal information of the user.

3. Performance Cookies: Such cookies are used for analyzing the website and the user’s interaction with it. They are designed for gathering data on how users use the website, which pages they interact with, how much time they spend, and more. We use such cookies for evaluating the efficiency and improving the website as per the user interaction.

4. Functional Cookies: These cookies allow the website to identify the users who return again and again. It also helps remember the users’ preferences, like language, region, username, etc., for customizing the website as per the prior visits of such users. Such users are committed to the business; hence, modifying the website accordingly is important.

How do Toyota4runners Use The Cookies?

There are various purposes for which we ask users to accept the cookies policy. The use of the cookies is for the features and functions that will assist in improving the browsing experience of the user. They are also used in measuring the performance of the website and navigating their way around. Cookies are not used for gathering personal identifying data but only the website usage information.

Below are the details of how we use the cookies on the website:

  • To provide access to all our services 24/7
  • To monitor the usage of the website and save the preferences for offering a customizable experience.
  • To ensure a seamless and convenient experience for the users.
  • To try out different ideas and content that is more relevant to the visitor.
  • To analyze the usage of different parts of the website and know what attracts the users the most.
  • To authenticate the users and preserve their privacy.
  • To update or modify our website and its content and knowing the response of the users towards them.

Enabling/Disabling The Cookies

Most of the browsers are set up in order to accept cookies. You may adjust your browser to notify you before accepting the cookies or refusing them. These cookies are used for enhancing the user experience. However, users have all rights to deny the acceptance of the cookies or remove them if accepted earlier.

You may accept or decline the cookies by visiting the help page of the browsers and modifying the settings. The web browsers allow the users control over the cookies through its settings. Hence, they can be enabled or disabled from there. By doing so, the experience of the website will hamper. You won’t be able to make use of all the features of the website, save your preference, or adjust the settings if the cookies are disabled. Some of the pages will not display correctly. Users can accept or deny the cookies, as per their preferences, at any point in time.

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