10 Tips for Packing for a Car Camping Trip

Author: Nidhi

Car camping is a popular type of camping that provides a little more comfort than traditional tent-based camping. It's easier to drive to the campsite than a hike with all your gear, and you won't have to deal with pesky bug bites or poison ivy. That said, car camping has its own set of challenges. 

You'll spend your entire trip in a small space and probably won't have access to the amenities you take for granted at home, such as running water or electricity. This can make packing for a car camping trip slightly trickier than a standard backpacking trip. Check out some valuable tips on planning for your next car camping adventure.


#1. Bring a flashlight and glow sticks


Flashlights are important for two reasons: first, they're essential for setting up your campsite at night. Second, if you're camping in the fall or winter, they can be helpful if you plan on hiking to your campsite. 

Hiking through the woods in the dark can be scary, so having a light source can help make the situation less complicated. Glow sticks are great for kids and are fun to use at night. They can also help mark your campsite at night if you're camping in an area where visibility is an issue. 

If you're bringing kids along on your trip, make sure they have flashlights designed for children. Remember that you'll also need batteries for all your flashlights, so make sure you account for that when calculating how much space you have in your car.


#2. Don't forget the basics


If you're heading out for a car camping trip, it may be tempting to pack just a few necessities and leave the rest at home. Resist the urge to do this, as it's easy to forget essential items when you're not planning a long-distance trip. Don't forget things like soap, toilet paper, and hand sanitizer. 

You'll also need to pack all the items you'd typically bring with you on a backpacking trip, such as cooking supplies and first aid kits. Don't forget extra clothing, either. Car camping can be messy, especially if you're eating inside your vehicle. Be sure to account for all of these necessary items and pack them in your car before you head out on your trip so you don't forget anything important.


#3. Utensils, plates, and bowls


Many car camping trips will allow you to bring a cooler full of cold beverages and snacks. However, you'll need some plates and bowls to eat your food. 

Don't forget these items, and be sure to pack some extra just in case you have additional guests show up at the last minute. If you need to store your dishes in the car, you can keep them in plastic containers. You can even use plastic bags if you're only storing a few. Make sure they're clean and dry before putting them in your car.


#4. Don't forget your desert essentials


If you're camping in the desert during the warmer months, you'll need to take extra precautions to keep yourself hydrated and safe. Don't forget your first aid kit, water bottles, sunscreen, and other items like flashlights, extra batteries, blankets, and extra clothing. Carry food and water for your pet if you're bringing them along. Remember the camping hammock if you're camping in a desert area.


#5. Setting up the shower area


While camping on the road, you may not always have access to shower facilities. As you locate your campsite, you can check on iOverlander or online. However, if you want to be spontaneous, you must have a backup plan. You can accomplish this by creating a shower area for yourself.

You only need to cover the vestibule of your tent with towels. Fill a basin halfway with boiling water. Take some shower gel in a squeeze bottle as well. This will be an excellent method for removing dirt and grime. It will be necessary for extended camping road excursions if you are not confident there will be shower facilities.


#6. Make use of storage bins


One significant advantage of road trip camping is that you can bring whatever you want. The only challenge is locating the products you require when you require them. This can be difficult if everything is crammed into the back of your vehicle. When you arrive at the campsite, it can lead to a lengthy and complicated setup process. You may even misplace goods as you hunt through the trunk.

We recommend that you utilize storage bins to avoid this. Storage bins are helpful because they stack, saving space and keeping items separate. You can keep your culinary supplies in one bin and your garments in another.


#7. A good sleeping bag 


A good sleeping bag is crucial for camping during the colder months. You can purchase a sleeping bag reasonably quickly if you don't have a sleeping bag. Don't forget to make sure your sleeping bag is clean before you pack it up and store it in your car. 

You probably don't need a sleeping bag if you're camping during the warmer months. However, even during the warmer months, you'll probably want to bring a sleeping bag as a blanket. While driving to your campsite, you can store your sleeping bag in a storage bag. This will keep everything organized in your car and make it easier to access at the end of the day.


#8. For sleeping comfortably in the car


  • Remember to bring suitable sleeping equipment (pillows, sleeping bag, etc.)
  • Make the back seats as flat as possible.
  • Lock the doors from the inside and slightly crack a window
  • Hang lamps to avoid draining the battery.


#9. Food and snacks


Don't forget to pack food and snacks for yourself and your guests. Not only is this essential for surviving a car camping trip, but you can also use it to bond with your guests. Don't forget to bring plastic forks, spoons, and knives. 

You'll also want to get food-related items like paper towels and napkins. If you're bringing kids along on your trip, you'll probably want to pack some kid-friendly food and snacks. Some good options include cereal bars, granola bars, and crackers.


#10. Activities are key


You'll probably want to bring along some activities if you're camping with kids. You can purchase these ahead of time, or you can make your own. Don't forget to bring along some puzzles and board games. You can also bring a deck of cards and a few different games that you can play inside your car. Kids also love to draw and write, so don't forget to bring a few pieces of paper and some crayons or markers.

If you're camping with adults, you can ignore the kid activities and focus on more grown-up things. You can bring along some books, puzzles, or even a deck of cards.


Summing up


Car camping provides a fun way to enjoy the great outdoors without having to deal with the hassles of traditional camping. If you follow these tips, you'll be able to pack more efficiently and make the most of your limited space. Don't forget the basics, such as soap, sunscreen, and water.

You may want to buy or make a few games to pass the time, and of course, don't forget the snacks! With these tips, you should prepare well for your next car camping trip. Continue reading Toyoto4runners.com for more inspiration for your upcoming car camping travels.

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