Toyota Vs. Tesla: Top Reasons Why Toyota Is Better

Author: Yash

There's no doubt that Tesla is one of the most innovative car manufacturers on the planet. Their electric cars have redefined what it means to be a 'green' vehicle, and their success shows no sign of slowing down any time soon. But as much as we love Tesla and everything they stand for. The other car manufacturers are putting out some pretty impressive products too. People try to look at Toyota vs. Tesla before deciding on their next car purchase. There's no denying that Tesla is great at what they do, but there's also a lot they can still learn from other car companies, including Toyota. While Tesla might be leading the charge in green technology right now, Toyota has them beaten in some areas, hands down. This article looks at Toyota vs. Tesla and why the former is better than the latter.


1. Toyota is more reliable than Tesla


As much as we love Tesla, it's safe to say that they have had a few quality issues over the past decade. These have ranged from minor inconveniences, such as faulty door handles, to major safety hazards, like exploding batteries. Tesla has been quick to respond to these issues. Still, the fact remains that Toyota has been making reliable vehicles for decades. It's been doing so for much longer than Tesla has even been in existence. As the world's largest manufacturer of hybrid vehicles, with over 4 million hybrids sold worldwide, Toyota's commitment to eco-friendly engineering has never been stronger. But Toyota has also been doing much more than just cranking out hybrid vehicles these days. Not only has it been making serious strides in autonomous technology, but it's also been putting out some seriously impressive vehicles – both hybrid and non-hybrid.


2. Toyota has a longer track record of success


Toyota has long been the world's number one car manufacturer – but Tesla has only been around since 2003! While it's true that Tesla has been making waves in the automotive industry over the past decade, Toyota has been putting out hit cars for over 70 years. This is a huge factor in determining which company is better than the other. When it comes to tracking records, there's no contest. If we compare the track record of each company's top-selling vehicles, a very clear pattern emerges. Toyota has been producing incredibly successful vehicles for decades, while Tesla's track record is far more sparse. Toyota's Camry, for example, has been a top-selling vehicle for over 30 years. It's come a long way since its first model rolled off the production line in 1982. Tesla's Model 3, on the other hand, only just made it to the production line. It's still rolling out of the factory and has yet to go into full-scale production.


3. Toyota's brand value is 10x that of Tesla's


Another important factor to consider is the brand value of each company. Brand value is based on the perceived worth of a company, as well as its financial performance. While Tesla's brand value has skyrocketed over the past few years, it has still failed to reach the same heights as Toyota's brand value. This isn't a knock against Tesla (we love their cars!), but it is an important factor to consider when comparing the two.


4. The Toyota Corolla and the Tesla Model 3 are different products


To be fair, the Model 3 is Tesla's attempt at producing a mass-market car. But the Toyota Corolla has been a top-selling vehicle in its class for decades. In automotive marketing, manufacturers often try to position their cars as equally applicable to everyone. But in reality, there are subtle differences between products for different types of customers. There are subtle differences between what the Toyota Corolla does for its customers and what the Tesla Model 3 does for them. While the two vehicles are definitely in the same class, they are very different in terms of features, design, and price.


5. Toyota has a much larger manufacturing capacity and network


This point ties in nicely with the last one. Toyota has been producing vehicles for decades. This has given them plenty of time to build a robust manufacturing network and establish the necessary logistical channels to keep it running smoothly. Tesla has only been in the business of making cars for a decade. While they have shown great promise, they still have much to learn. Once all of Tesla's new electric vehicle factories are fully operational, the company will produce approximately 1 million cars annually. Toyota, in comparison, will be producing close to 10 million. That's a huge difference in scale. Toyota has been producing cars for so long that they've had to find ways to make their system more efficient. This has allowed them to reduce the cost of their manufacturing per vehicle and gives them an edge over Tesla regarding price.


6. The Toyota Prius is further in its product cycle than the Tesla Model 3


Many people don't realize that the Toyota Prius is one of the most successful hybrids. It is closer to the end of its product cycle than the Tesla Model 3 is to its beginning. The Toyota Prius first went into production in 1997. It was still relatively new and relatively innovative when it was released in 2001 as a Hybrid model. In fact, the Prius was the first mass-produced hybrid vehicle in the world. The Tesla Model 3, on the other hand, has only just gone into production. It won't hit the market for at least another year. This is another win for Toyota in the Toyota vs. Tesla matchup.


7. People have more trust in the Toyota brand right now


Early on in its existence, Tesla was putting out high-quality, innovative vehicles. But they were also having issues with the reliability of their cars. This led to a decrease in customer satisfaction and brand trust. These issues have been slowly resolved, but they still have a long way to go before they have the same level of trust in the market as Toyota. If we look at Consumer Reports, we can see that the Tesla Model S has a 91% satisfaction rating. This places it in first place in its class. On the other hand, the Toyota Corolla has an 88% satisfaction rating. It is good, but not as high as the Model S. This doesn't mean that the Tesla Model S is better than the Toyota Corolla. It just shows that the former is more trustworthy right now when it comes to Toyota vs. Tesla.


8. The resale value is a crucial factor in Toyota vs. Tesla


The resale value of a car is very important when determining its overall value. It's a great metric for determining a car's worth. It also tells us a lot about how the market perceives that car and what kind of value people place on it. As it stands, the Tesla Model 3 has a very low resale value. This means people don't think much of it when it's for sale. This could be due to several factors, but it's a good metric for comparing Tesla to Toyota. When it comes to the Toyota Corolla, on the other hand, the resale value is very high – more so than that of the Tesla Model 3. This doesn't mean that the Tesla Model 3 is a bad car. But it does show us a lot about how the market views each vehicle.




There are many people that want to look at Toyota vs. Tesla before deciding on their future car purchase. In our article, we have outlined the areas in which Toyota is better than Tesla. We hope that it will give you some clarity regarding your next vehicle purchase.

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